The Arrival of Georgie

I’ve always wanted a dog, childhood hopes were dashed by an ‘allergic’ Dad but in Sam I found another dog person. In December 2019 (with PR due) we moved to a dog friendly place to finally take the plunge but the market for adoption is fierce compounded by COVID-19 (more demand less supply). Ultimately Jen found a litter of puppies in Oosoyos.

We braved the 5 hour drive each way to meet the puppies and chose baby Georgie, the sweetest girl of all time

Georgie is a cross between a Golden Retriver (on her dads side) and a Belgian Shepherd / Husky (Shepsky) on her mothers. Unlike her littermates who are much bigger with more distinct Shepherd colouring, Georgie is black with a white/grey chin and a white foot which dubbed whiteclaw / white paw (after the drink).

Picking her up

Spending the night with Auntie Jen

Heading Home

Pee Breaks


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