Tunnel Bluffs via Lions Bay (An Alternative Way to Tunnel Bluffs)
Tunnel Bluffs is one of my favourite hikes in BC. A short and steep (technically challenging) climb with a fantastic view of Howe Sound. However the parking off the Sea-to-Sky Highway has been changed to 30 minutes top to discourage hikers from leaving their car in the small car park all day. I discovered an alternative route via Lions Bay using the same access road for the Lions and Mt Brunswick and decided to test it out with Matt.
It wasn’t a particularly nice day; intermittent showers and consistent cloud cover meant the views are not what I had seen 15 months ago when I hiked with Sam (Tunnel Bluffs)
Still, there is something about the PNW and its cloud cover dancing with the Boreal forest which is just beautiful. It was a great hike in many ways (once you get over the initial slog.. 90% of elevation was in the first hour of the hike).
In total the hike took about 2hrs 50 minutes with a total elevation just short of 600m. A great hike for a Sunday morning and the post-hike Nandos was truly deserved.
Now parks are re-opening. I am going to aim for a hike (and a bike ride) each week.